Friday, January 14, 2011


Original Painting by Samantha Thompson, 2010
travel around my head,
a can of worms,
each extremity closes in on
my fallen crest to remind me,
my mother’s curse to remember
forever to be alone, longing,
unable to utter a word
unless someone first speaks to me.

how happily we played,
my sweet sisters,
each tree a spirit to pray before
the lilied pond mirrors me,
what a joy to be reminded
that never will I be, alone,
wandering this wonderland
that silently first speaks to me.

So still without ripples,
why, my mother,
did you strike me down in silence,
it was not I who betrayed you?
No longer can you hear my thoughts
rushing along that cool stream
edging reeds so that they bend
to that silent mirror of touch.

that’s all I have,
not to speak unless spoken to
uttering only the last word
or phrase, that’s all I have left
to give back what is given me,
forever to be alone, longing,
unable to utter a word
unless someone first speaks to me.