Friday, January 14, 2011


Original Painting by Samantha Thompson, 2010
travel around my head,
a can of worms,
each extremity closes in on
my fallen crest to remind me,
my mother’s curse to remember
forever to be alone, longing,
unable to utter a word
unless someone first speaks to me.

how happily we played,
my sweet sisters,
each tree a spirit to pray before
the lilied pond mirrors me,
what a joy to be reminded
that never will I be, alone,
wandering this wonderland
that silently first speaks to me.

So still without ripples,
why, my mother,
did you strike me down in silence,
it was not I who betrayed you?
No longer can you hear my thoughts
rushing along that cool stream
edging reeds so that they bend
to that silent mirror of touch.

that’s all I have,
not to speak unless spoken to
uttering only the last word
or phrase, that’s all I have left
to give back what is given me,
forever to be alone, longing,
unable to utter a word
unless someone first speaks to me.

Text:(c) Peter D. Jones 2011. All rights reserved. Images:(c) Samantha Thompson 2011. Please contact the copyright owners if you wish to use either the text or images. Not to be copied in any form with permission of the creators.


Janet Caldwell said...

Brilliant, it's like 4 poems in one, all tied nicely (or not nice) together. Bravo. x

marnie said...

this is great, it sure opened my heart....
thank you so much for sending this to me!
I love it, so heart felt! :)